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Café de la Poste (Lutry)

0 Reviews

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About Us

In a pleasant and friendly setting, perch fillets - from here and elsewhere - and other fish from Lake Geneva, as well as the excellent quality of the meats offered and supplied by the Roth butcher's shop in Lutry, have forged the good reputation of this establishment.
A regular clientele never fails to grace the Café de la Poste.

This establishment, renowned far and wide for its perch fillets, offers you a choice between its lakeside terrace, the dining room on the quay or the café area on the Grand-Rue side of Lutry.

The entire Café de la Poste team looks forward to welcoming you on your next visit.

Café : 35 places Restaurant: 30 seats Salle étage : 32 places Terrace: 60 seats

Reservations strongly recommended

  • Fillets of perch. Crustaceans. Fish. Meat
  • Traditional
  • Dining room. Banquets for up to 35 people. Terrace overlooking the port

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Location and contact

Show directions

Café de la Poste

  • office address office address

    Grand-Rue 48 1095 Lutry

  • Phone Phone
    0217... Show number 021 791 18 72 *
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Café de la Poste image

Café de la Poste

Mon - Sun
10:30 - 23:15 opening hours